Autumn events at the garden

Happy October gardeners and community Members! Fall is here. It is finally cool enough to begin accessorizing again. And the food. Don’t even get me started on the food.*

As the growing season winds down, there are important tasks and exciting events to share to prepare the garden for winter. Your hard work you’ve put into your plots and the garden is greatly appreciated. We're counting on your continued support to make this transition fun, smooth, and successful.

Here's what’s coming up:

Children's story hour

Time: 3 pm on Saturday, Oct. 5

Bring the little ones for a cozy afternoon of storytelling, poetry, and roasted marshmallows by the fire! It's a fun way to kick off the fall season and enjoy the garden in a new way. No need to RSVP—just come and enjoy! Bring chairs!

Also, there will be a fun event at the end for everyone.

Plot winterization deadlines – Oct. 15 through Nov. 1

Winter is coming and it’s essential to clean up plots. Winterizing your plot not only keeps the garden healthy and ready for spring, but it’s also a requirement of the Saint Paul Parks Department, which helps to maintain a safe and clean space for everyone.

What’s required of gardeners

  • Remove all vegetation: All plants, except for winter crops, need to be cleared from your plot. Leaving old plants behind can harbor pests and diseases, making your plot harder to manage next year. By removing everything, you’re ensuring a fresh start for the next growing season.

  • Please throw all vegetation waste on the compost pile at the north end of the garden.

  • Gardeners who want to cover their plots: You’re welcome to cover your plot with cardboard. There’s plenty of cardboard in the shed. This keeps the soil healthy and easier to work with in the spring. If using cardboard on your plot:

    • Remove all plastic tape or stickers.

    • Please weigh it down with rocks or, even better, a layer of dirt. We don’t want a bunch of cardboard flying around.

  • Deadlines

    • Oct. 15: all members need to begin removing plants from their plots 

    • Nov. 1: plots should be fully cleared and prepared for winter

    • Untended plots will unfortunately be forfeited for the 2025 season, in line with garden policy and Saint Paul Parks Department regulations

Why is this important?

  • Prevents weeds and pests: Clearing old vegetation prevents weeds and pests from taking hold over the winter.

  • Protects the soil: Covering your plot with mulch or cardboard (or both) enhances composting, reduces soil erosion, keeps nutrients intact, and prevents the soil from becoming compacted or overrun by weeds.

  • Follows garden policy: Proper winterization is required by the Saint Paul Parks Department to maintain the garden’s status and ensure the space is ready for everyone next season.

If you’re unable to winterize your plot by Oct. 15, please reach out to the Volunteer Committee for assistance. We’re happy to help so that everyone can meet the deadline and keep the garden in good shape for the year ahead!

Autumn Harvest Festival

Our Autumn Harvest Festival is coming on Oct. 19! It's a great way to celebrate the season, share food, and enjoy the community we've built together. You can contribute, whether by bringing a dish, helping with setup, or cleaning up after. If you’re able to help out or bring a dish, please add your information to the spreadsheet.

Autumn Clean-Up & Winterizing Event – Nov. 2-3

There is an all hands on deck event coming up. The big Clean-Up and Winterizing Event is on Nov. 2-3. The event is an opportunity to accomplish a lot of work in a short amount of time. The main tasks will be removing tape from cardboard, laying it down to cover walkways, and spreading mulch to protect the garden for the winter. This is a huge task, but it’s also a fun way to connect with other gardeners and get the garden in shape for next season.

How You Can Help

The best way to support these efforts is by volunteering! Reach out to the Volunteer Committee to get assigned tasks, or reach out if you need help organizing supplies for your plot. Every little bit counts, and your help is appreciated in making the garden a beautiful space for the community year-round! Feel free to contact the committee if you can pitch in.

Thanks again for a wonderful season. I am excited to finish the year strong with all of you!

Happy Gardening!
Nate Barber, Community Garden Coordinator

*Shout out to Jaclyn Barber who has spent the past several weekends preparing enough tomatoes to feed the Swiss Army and getting them in the deep freeze. She also turned our GIGANTIC cabbages into the zestiest and crunchiest sauerkraut.


Garden update: August 2024