Garden Rules

Updated: February 2024

Please read closely

Agreement and fees

All member contracts must be accompanied by a signed agreement of the rules (download/print and sign a copy of the rules here). Applications are processed first-come, first-served with a waiting list created as necessary. There is a sliding-scale fee per plot, due by the date of the agreement. A payment receipt will be provided. For pricing of garden plots, refer to our membership page.

Use of chemicals

The use of pesticides and herbicides is prohibited within Mounds Park Community Garden. Use of prohibited chemicals is grounds for immediate forfeiture of privileges and your plot with no refund. More pesticide information can be found on the Minnesota Department of Health website.

Service commitment

Members agree to perform a minimum of approx. 8 volunteer hours per year in service to the garden. Note: hours spent tending to your individual plot do not count. Volunteer tasks can be completed by you or a designated proxy. Volunteer tasks in service to the garden can be found on our volunteer page. If preferable, volunteer tasks can be assigned by the Garden Committee.

Contact information

Make sure the Garden Committee always has your current address, phone number, and email address. Contact information will not be shared publicly but will be shared with appropriate members of the Garden Committee.


You may not transfer or sublet your plot.

Leaseholder requirements

You agree to be bound by any requirement not named here that the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Department imposes as a condition for continued use of the Mounds Park Community Garden space.

Planting/cleanup deadlines

Clean up and plant your plot by June 1st. Any plot not prepared and at least half planted by that date is considered abandoned and will be reassigned immediately, with no refund provided. Remove dead plants and temporary structures by the November 1st fall clean-up deadline.

Expected conduct

To retain your gardening privileges and plot, you agree to:

  • Act in a manner considerate of the rights, needs, and safety of other gardeners and the community at large and with courtesy toward others.

  • Tend your plot regularly to control weeds and provide an attractive, cared-for appearance, keeping all plantings within your plot boundaries. No plot may be consistently or excessively weedy, untended, or filled with debris, nor contain weeds taller than 8 inches. Any plot with numerous weeds 2 feet or taller or that shows no obvious maintenance for 3 weeks will be presumed abandoned and subject to immediate forfeiture without refund.

  • Regularly maintain your half of the path around your plot (approximately 20 inches). Paths must be kept free of rocks, weeds, and all obstacles, including encroaching or overhanging plants (e.g., adventurous tomatoes, and zucchini). The approved method of maintaining the public path is regular mowing. Carpeting, roofing materials, plastic, and other inorganic materials are strictly prohibited.

  • Keep your plot free of trees and tall items that cast a shadow on neighboring plots. If an adjacent plot's gardener complains of excessive shading by anything on your plot, you must come to an agreement or remove it.

  • Pick and remove your ripe produce promptly to avoid encouraging theft, pests, and decrease produce waste.

  • If you anticipate an absence (e.g., vacation) please inform a member of the garden or post a notification to the garden Facebook page so that people are aware and your produce can be picked and donated.

  • Respect the Garden's property and assets. Use equipment and tools owned in common responsibly and treat them with care.

  • Refrain from entering others' plots except with permission or on garden business. Do not allow children to enter others' plots.

  • No pets are allowed in the Mounds Park Community Garden. We will provide a hitching post for all cats and dogs outside the garden in a shaded area with water available.

  • Never sell your produce. Per the leaseholder agreement, all produce is for the use of individual gardeners or to donate to the community.

  • Use only as much water as is needed to keep the soil in your plot moist. Do not overwater. Do not use sprinklers or leave water running unattended. Lock up the water unit when you are finished using it. Remove hoses from the spigot after use.

Water usage

The Garden's water source must be locked at all times unless being accessed by a member. Conserving water will be a priority for all gardeners, as Mounds Park Community Garden is responsible for paying for water used at the Garden, and our collective goal is to keep the Garden space sustainable and affordable for all participants. More details TBD

Safety and security

You agree to the following safety and security rules:

  • Report all crimes in progress or reports of fire to 911; report crimes committed out of your presence to the SPPD at 651-291-1111.

  • File a General Incident Form and send it to the Division of Parks and Recreation in the event of any reported crime or incident.

  • Garden activity must take place during park hours and in no event later than 11 PM; no activity may take place after park hours without prior written approval of the Director of Parks and Recreation.

  • Children under 16 are not permitted in the garden without an adult companion.

  • Any vandalized or damaged hardscaping will be repaired or removed in a timely manner.

Consequences of rule violations

The cooperation of all gardeners is needed to ensure that Mounds Park Community Garden runs smoothly and that we can maintain our obligations to our leaseholders and neighbors. If a gardener violates the agreed-upon rules, the Committee will address the violation as follows:

Immediate plot forfeiture

You will be notified that you have forfeited your plot if you:

  1. Abandon your plot

  2. Transfer or sublet your plot

  3. Fail to remedy any violation by the deadline in a second notice

  4. Exhibit a pattern of behavior that shows disregard for the Garden's rules, such as chronic or repeated rule violations (e.g., 3 violations in 2 years), even if remedied.

Conduct violation procedures

If a violation is noted, the Committee sends the primary plot holder a first notice by mail, indicating the problem and the deadline for correction: 10 days from the letter's postmark date.

If the problem is not corrected by the first notice deadline, the Committee issues a second and final notice by mail. It restates the problem and indicates both the deadline for correction (10 days from its postmark date) and the consequences of failing to correct the problem: immediate plot forfeiture.

Service commitment procedures

Failure to attend (you or a designated proxy) the orientation meeting or failure to fulfill volunteer responsibilities may be grounds for plot forfeiture. A community garden's success depends on the full participation of its members.

Rules Resources

The rules for Mounds Park Community Garden are the result of diligent research and lengthy consideration. They are a reasonable and logical groundwork for the processes, procedures, and etiquette of a community garden. By this framework, we will encourage the spirit of neighborly collaboration, respect, and accessibility.

These rules were informed by the gardening policies of the Saint Paul Department of Parks and Recreation and the existing rules of local and national community gardens. In the spirit of transparency, the links below are a list of rules from local and nationwide community gardens. The rules developed for the Mounds Park Community Garden are an amalgam of these established rules.

Here is a list of rules of local and national community gardens: Gardening Matters, Como Park Community Garden, Live Work Eat Grow, City of Blaine MN Community Garden rules, Soo Line Community Garden, City Garden sample rules, Burnsville Community Garden Rules, Andover Minnesota Rules, Dowling Community Garden, City of Bellingham, WA Garden Rules, Maple Street Community Garden.